
Facilitation Services

The definition of facilitate is "to make easy" or "ease a process." What a facilitator does is plan, guide and manage a group event to ensure that the group's objectives are met effectively, with clear thinking, good participation and full buy-in from everyone who is involved.

To facilitate effectively, you must be objective. This doesn't mean you have to come from outside the organization or team, though. It simply means that, for the purposes of this group process, you will take a neutral stance. You step back from the detailed content and from your own personal views, and focus purely on the group process. (The "group process" is the approach used to manage discussions, get the best from all members, and bring the event through to a successful conclusion. The secret of great facilitation is a group process that flows – and with it will flow the group's ideas, solutions, and decisions too.)

The key responsibility of a facilitator is to create this group process and an environment in which it can flourish, and so help the group reach a successful decision, solution or conclusion.

Facilitation is about the process not the result. The result is the product of the process. The better the process the better the result. 

When creating a high performing highly functioning team or organization, facilitation of the process is crucial to making the process work and engaging everyone into the experience, feeling, and emotion of contributing, learning, growing and working together to create something bigger than what existed before.

Facilitation is a core skill set that Magnum Opus Solutions brings to partnership in its commitment to you having what you desire most from your business.